Department of PG Studies and Research in Sanskrit
The Department was started in the year 1993. The students are constantly assisted to improve their communication, analytical and writing skills through special lectures, seminars and workshops. With the collaboration of Sanskrita Bharati, Bengaluru, every year state level elocution competition and Sanskrit speaking workshops are organized. The department has established an excellent rapport with Sanskrit scholars of the two Sanskrit villages viz., Matturu and Hosahalli. These activities enable the students to have wider and higher intellectual attainments. Department have THREE GOLD MEDALS- 1. Dr.Veerendra Hegde, Dharmadhikari, Dharmastala has instituted a Gold medal for the highest scoring student at M.A. final year examination. 2. In the name of Dr.K.Krishnamurthy, an outstanding Sanskrit scholar, Gold medal for the highest scoring student at M.A. in Sanskrit-final total score in soft-core "Alankara Shastra" paper-has been instituted. 3. Smt. Nirmala V. Bhat has instituted a Gold medal in the name of Vid. Prof. Late V. N. Bhat, an outstanding Sanskrit scholar, for the highest scoring student at M.A. in Sanskrit-final total score in soft-core “Darshana Shastra”.
Dr. Shruthikirti M.A
Year of Establishment
Sahyadri College Campus B.H.Road,Shimoga. Karnataka State, INDIA
Teaching Faculty of Sanskrit in Kuvempu University
Research Project of Sanskrit in Kuvempu University
Sl No | Title | Funding Agency | Principal Investigator | Co-Investigator | Amount | Status |
Sl No | Faculty | Name of the Supervisor | Name of the Ph.D. Scholar with Aadhaar number/Photo ID | Mode of Ph.D. | Registration Number | Date of Registration | Research Topic | Likely date of completion of Ph.D | Availing Fellowship | Funding Agency of Fellowship |