Vision Statement
The Department shall strive to educate competent leaders in the fields of Physical Education, Yoga, and Sports to serve the nation and society for better health and active lifestyles of people through participation in physical activities and sports.
Mission & Goals
The Department is to achieve the following through physical activity, sports, yoga, and recreation
- To achieve excellence in teaching, research, and community services through innovative practices. To prepare competent teachers and future leaders in the areas of physical education and sports.
- To promote sports culture and to enhance sports participation and performance at elite level.
- To encourage international sports participation.
- To provide opportunities to the students of special population and socially deprived for better life-style.
- To help the community in better understanding of human relations, promote health, and bring excellence in sports performance
- To encourage and support women's sports, the obese community, and elderly population through participation in life time physical activities
- To develop the knowledge and importance of daily physical activities, stress management, weight control, general fitness, and proper nutrition in human performance during the lifetime.