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School Of Social Science

Department of PG Studies and Research in History and Archaeology

The Department of History and Archaeology has continually been striving for excellence in teaching and research since the inception of this department in the year 1988. Over the last twenty two years the department has been organising the activities connected with the research and education in the field of history and archaeology. This department offers a wide range of syllabi stretching from prehistory to the present day. Right from the beginning, department has been involving many scholars from India and abroad in training the students. Department has organised conferences, seminar, workshops and Special Lectures. Prof S. R. Rao has instated a gold medal for archaeology and has donated a part of his personal library to the department library.

The department has established a museum of culture and archaeology in 1990 with a few collection and now it houses more then eight hundred antiquities in display and one thousand in the reserve collection right from the Palaeolithic period to the modern and from stone tools to paper manuscripts. The primary intension of this museum is to provide first hand knowledge to the students and create awareness among the general public. Continuous efforts of the staff members and students have brought to light several archaeological sites of the region and it is planned to excavate a few of them. Teaching faculty has attended National and International seminars. Academic excellence of the faculty is recognised by the universities of the world. Faculty members are invited as visiting professors to various national and international universities.

Programms Offered

Sl No Programmes Nature & Duration Eligibility Intake
1 M.A CBCS - Semester Scheme (4 Semesters) B.A. Degree with History major subject 47
2 P.G Diploma One year M.A., in History.

Achievements of the alumni :

1 Parameshwara. H.S C.I Govt. of Karnataka
2 Roopa Mariswamy 2001 Assistant Superintendent of Police(IPS) Govt. of India
3 Krishana Murthy.H.K 1996 (K.A.S) Govt. of Karnataka
4 K. S Mohan 1996 (K.A.S) Govt. of Karnataka
5 Mahammad Zuber 1996 (K.A.S) Govt. of Karnataka
6 Dr.L .P Raju 1994 Associate Professor Tumkur University
7 Prof. Virupakshappa Poojarahalli 1994 Professor in History Hampi University
8 Tippeswamy N 1989 (K.A.S) Govt. of Karnataka


Dr. Sarvamangala G

Year of Establishment



Department of PG Studies & Research in History and Archaeology
Kuvempu University
Jnanasahyadri, Shankaraghatta-577451
Shimoga Dist., Karnataka State, INDIA
+91 - 8282-256227

Teaching Faculty of History and Archaeology in Kuvempu University

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    Dr. R. Anuradha Patel Professor

    Qualification:M.A., Ph.D.,
    Area of Specialisation: Medieval India

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    Dr. Sarvamangala G Professor

    Qualification:M.A., Ph.D. Dip in Epigraphy., P.G. Dip. in Archaeology,
    Area of Specialisation: Archaeology, Art History, Heritage Tourism

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    Dr. H.S. RAKESH Faculty

    Qualification:M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., PGD in A,C&T., K-SET., Ph.D., D.Litt.,
    Area of Specialisation: Modern Mysore, Research Methodology, Indian Freedom Movement and Historiography.

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    Dr. Nagesha H A Faculty

    Qualification:MA., Ph.D., PG Diploma In A,C&T. K-SET HISTORY & ARCHAEOLOGY,
    Area of Specialisation: Ancient History, Archaeology, Culture

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    Mr. Shivamurthy M Guest Faculty

    Area of Specialisation:

Research Project of History and Archaeology in Kuvempu University

Sl No Title Funding Agency Principal Investigator Co-Investigator Amount Status
1 Developing Centre for the Study of Local Cultures Flemish Inter University Council Dr. Balagangadhara S N Dr, Sadananda J.S. and Dr. Rajaram Hegde 7000000 Completed
2 Art and Patronage in Medieval Banavasi 12000 Indian COuncil of Historical Research Dr,Rajaram Hegde NA 35000 COmpleted
3 The Kadatas of Shringeri Math UGC Dr. A.K.Shastry Dr.Rajaram Hegde 750000 COmpleted
4 Caste Project Ghent University Dr. J.S.Sadanand Dr. Rajaram Hegde 200000 Completed
5 Art and Patronage in Banavasi 12000 ICHR Rajaram Hegde None 35000 completed in 1997-98
Sl No Faculty Name of the Supervisor Name of the Ph.D. Scholar with Aadhaar number/Photo ID Mode of Ph.D. Registration Number Date of Registration Research Topic Likely date of completion of Ph.D Availing Fellowship Funding Agency of Fellowship
1 Arts Dr. Sarvamangala G Prashantha Shetty Adhaar No.:732559484505 Part Time --- 2018-01-01 Pre & Proto history of Coastal Karnataka 2023-12-12 NO --
2 Arts Dr. Sarvamangala G Lee Yong Sun Passport No: M05255184 Visa: VK 3090802 Full Time 216/15-09-2015 2015-09-15 "Jewish Heritage in South Indian Landscape: A Case Study on Kochi syngogues remodelled to museums in Kochi, Kerala" (Chendamangaalam and Parur) 2018-08-30 NO --
3 Arts Dr. Rajaram R. Hegde Vivekananda K.R, Adhaar: 342636349828 Part Time 278/10-05-2016 2016-05-10 "Vijayanagara matthu Chitradurga Paleyapattinondige Hosadurga Tallukina Paleyagaarara Rajakeeya matthu Samskruthika Sambhandha:Ondu Adhyayana 2022-12-20 NO --
4 Arts Dr. Rajaram R. Hegde Ranganath Rao H Karad Adhaar: 781775958849 Part Time 279/10-05-2016 2016-05-10 "Malenaadina Ghatta Pradeshada devalayagala Vasthushyliya Vikaasa" (Shivamogga matthu Uttarakannada Jillegalige Sambhadhisidanthe Kadambara Kaladinda Vijayanagara Kaladavaregind Devalayagala Adhyayana) 2022-12-20 NO --
5 Arts Dr. Rajaram R. Hegde Shylaja P. Adhaar: 238406790135 Full Time 280/10-05-2016 2016-05-10 Keladi Neupavijaya Ondu Samskruthika Adhyayana 2022-12-20 YES Jr. Fellowship. Kuvempu Uiversity
6 Arts Dr. Rajaram R. Hegde Parvathamma M. Adhaar:747156409668 Part Time 281/10-05-2016 2016-05-10 "Shivamogga Jilleya Shasanagalalli Mahileyaru Ondu Adhyayana (Kri.Sha. 5 rinda Kri.Sha.18ne Shathamaana) 2022-12-20 NO --
7 Arts Dr. Sarvamangala G Jayasimha P. Adhaar:638208529379 Part Time 627/08-08-2010 2010-08-08 "CONCEPTUAL DIMENSIONS OF JAINA ART AND ARCHITECTURE: A HISTORICAL STUDY OF SELECTED MONUMENTS IN KARNATAKA." 2017-08-26 NO --
8 Arts Dr. Sarvamangala G Praveen Doddagoudra Adhaar: 540250948060 Part Time His:02(37)/26-12-2011 2011-12-26 Davanagere Jilleya Puratatva Nelegalu mattu Avasheshagalu: (Visheshavagi Honnali, Harihara, Harapanahally, Jagaluru) 2018-07-07 NO --
9 Arts Dr. Sarvamangala G Sadashivappa G.C, 673406406933 Part Time HIS:03(38)/26-12-2011 2011-12-26 Karnatakadalli Jalavastushilpa. kri.sha. 10th AD to 17th AD. 2018-12-20 NO --
10 Arts Dr. Sarvamangala G Chiranjeevi N.T. Adhaar:649676893624 Part Time HIS:04(39)/26-12-2011 2011-12-26 Pavagada Talukina Puratatva Avsheshagalu 2018-12-20 NO --
11 Arts Dr. Sarvamangala G Manjanaik R. Adhaaar: 770054729194 Part Time HIS:Ph.D:PRG-111/10-12-2013 2013-12-10 Kudligi mattu Hagari bommanahallil Talukina puratatviya Adhyayana. 2018-01-30 NO --
12 Arts Dr. Rajaram R. Hegde Lokesh M. Adhaar: 8987 4768 4199 Part Time HIS:Ph.D:PRG-52 2013-12-10 Uttara Kannada Jilleya Saagarotthatara Samparka 2019-12-20 NO --
13 Arts Dr. Rajaram R. Hegde Prashanth K.G. Adhaar: 477623983807 Part Time HIS:Ph.D:PRG-53 2013-12-12 Sringeri Mata Haagu Prabhuthvagala Ithihaasika Sambhadha. 2019-12-20 NO --

Workshops/Seminars/Conferences organized and Funding Agency :

Title Level Year Funding Agency
Three Days Workshop on Recent Advances in Museum Techniques and Perspectives
26th to 28th March 2016
ICHR, New Delhi
Three Days Workshop on Preventive Conservation of Archaival Material and Reading Skill
12th to 14th March 2016
Karnataka State Archives, Bengaluru
One Day International Symposium on Recent Perspectives on Karnataka Art History
18th, Feb 2016
Armed Resistance against the British rule in Karnataka 1800-1857AD, Sahaydri College, Shimoga
14th, August 2015
Important Debates of Post Colonial period, Kuvermpu University, Shankaraghatta
20-22 January 2013
22nd Session Karnataka History Congress, , Kuvermpu University, Shankaraghatta.
10-12,January 2013
Recent Advancement in South Indian Archaeology, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta.
12-14, April 2012
Directorate of Archaeology and Museums , Karnataka Govt & University
Social Movements of Karnataka
Shivamoga Jilleya Swathantra nanthara kalada Chaluvali
South Indian Archaeology with Special  Reference Karnataka Recent Studies
Heritage tourism
Toleration  and Pluralism
Archival Sources of Karnataka History
Keladi History
Symposium of Feminist History
Karnataka Indian History Congress 13th Session
National Seminar and Religion, Politics and Society.
Quit India Movement, A Retrospective analysis 
History, Historians and Historiography in South India
Trends in Writing/Teaching of Indian History
Karnataka Indian History Congress 8th session

Future Expansions/Diversification Plans :


Placements :


Achievements of the alumni :